Making Waves
That Matter

Fueled by Care, Driven by Science.
Our Goal is to Clear the Future, One Drop at a Time. 

At NanoClear, we firmly believe that a sustainable future is within our reach, and we’re here to lead the way, making the world a better place. 

Our unwavering commitment to both people and the environment drives us to work on solving water-related challenges and deliver exceptional results, empowering organizations to navigate these critical waters with confidence.

We’re committed to pushing the boundaries of innovation and environmental responsibility to ensure access to clean and efficient water management solutions worldwide.

Our Values

These core principles are the guiding light illuminating our thoughts,
actions, and the very essence of our company,
shaping the foundation of our entire operation


Care is the cornerstone of our mission — a profound
commitment that transcends boundaries.

We care for PEOPLE, valuing our customers’ needs and aspirations as if they were our own.
This dedication fuels our relentless pursuit of innovative solutions.

We care for the ENVIRONMENT, diligently working towards sustainable,
non-chemical water management that nurtures ecosystems and conserves vital resources. 

Above all, we care for the FUTURE—a future where healthy, clean water is a universal right, not a luxury. Our unwavering commitment to addressing today’s pressing environmental water challenges shapes a better, more sustainable tomorrow.


Commitment is our driving force.

We believe in COLLABORATIVE problem-solving, working hand in hand with our customers to understand their water challenges deeply and apply innovative solutions to solve those problems head-on.

We’re committed to DELIVERING tangible RESULTS, ensuring real improvements in water management. 


With integrity we build trust and credibility, fostering strong
and lasting relationships with our customers and partners.

We uphold a steadfast commitment to HONESTY, ethics,
and unwavering moral standards in everything we do.

Our dedication to ALIGNMENT forms the bedrock of our operations, ensuring that we prioritize transparency, fairness, and ETHICAL conduct in all our interactions and decisions.

Drivers of Change

Meet the team

Baruch Singer

CEO and Founder

“At the heart of everything we do is people: we work with people, we work for the betterment of people, we care about people, what we do is to protect people and our planet.”

Eli Bergman

Chief Technical Officer

“I firmly believe that the NanoClear team is equipped with enough creative innovation that there isn’t a problem we can’t solve.”

Daniel Saban

Chief Operations Officer

“What can I say? NanoClear makes things happen, and I want to be part of what’s happening.”

Chana Singer

Director of Branding and Marketing

“I believe, that in today’s Global Digital Village, communication is what makes the world go round, especially in ”

Michal Willis

Director of Business Development

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!”